Monday, May 21, 2012

Northern Lights: May 2012

A Message from BRANNJ President, Glen Lumia

Presidential dunking of ice water

Very special thanks to John Cioletti of Reno’s Appliance for hosting a spectacular family event yesterday at Yogi Berra Stadium in Montclair State University.  The event was to say "thank you" to our invaluable BRANNJ volunteers.

The weather was perfect and BRANNJ members, family and friends in attendance enjoyed a great day of food, games and fun!  Children and adults alike were impressed to meet and take photos with NFL Giants Alumni players George Martin, Joe Morris and Super Bowl Champion Curtis McGriff!  Thanks to Pat Philipson (Sax, Macy, Fromm) and her friend, Melanie who provided Face Painting and tattoos for all. 

Lastly, thanks to all the adults who helped out with games (or are they just big kids???).  Be sure to check out photos from the event on our Facebook page (click here).
 Best Regards,

Glen Lumia

Save the Date!
The 65th Annual Golf Outing & Scholarship Awards.  Tee-up some business and join us for this Annual favorite event at beautiful Ramsey Golf & Country Club.  Dinner only tickets also available.  Fantastic sponsorship opportunities still available.... great visibility for your company!

Where: Ramsey Golf & Country Club                                           
Date: June 11th, 2012
Time: Golf Registration begins at 11 AM 
Dinner Registration begins at 6 PM.

News from NAHB
 HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan to Address NAHB Members

We are pleased to report that U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary Shaun Donovan will deliver a special address to the NAHB membership during our upcoming Spring Board of Directors meeting in Washington, D.C. The Secretary will speak at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 7, at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel. Some adjustments will be made to committee meeting times in order to allow as many of us as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to hear from the Secretary. These schedule changes will be communicated to members both on-site and via the leadership schedule posted online -- so stay tuned. While this is not the first time that the Secretary has spoken to NAHB members, it is certainly an important time to do so given the current state of the housing market and the ongoing debate regarding housing finance reform. We certainly hope that you can join us for the Secretary's address.

Economists Focus on Local Economic Benefits of Remodeling

In recognition of National Home Remodeling Month this May, NAHB's economists focused a recent entry in our Eye on Housing blog on the subject of the economic benefits of remodeling activity in local communities. According to NAHB estimates, for typical remodeling projects, every $10 million of remodeling activity in an area generates:
  • 78 local jobs
  • $6.9 million in local wage and business income
  • $577,000 in taxes and fees for local governments
The ongoing effects include an additional $100,000 in residential property tax revenue for local jurisdictions through the improved value of homes. To arrive upon these numbers, NAHB has developed a model that estimates the economic effects of various kinds of home building. The model captures the effect of the construction activity itself, the ripple impact that occurs when income earned from construction activity is spent and recycles in the local economy, and the ongoing impacts that come from building or improving homes in a local area. The impacts noted above are “local” in that they measure the benefits that accrue to individuals, businesses and governments in a given area. National economic impacts would include larger business benefits by, for example, estimating the manufacturing effects, but would also have lower ongoing impacts. The bottom line, however, is that - not unlike home building - remodeling activity is a serious job generator of the kind that many local communities sorely need right now.

Everything you need to go from rough opening to bragging rights.
Whether it’s remodeling, replacement or something in between, Marvin has a solution. 

Submit before and after photos of your recent project and be featured in the myMarvin Remodelers Gallery at